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Friday, March 24, 2006

What is pay per click?

There are several search engines which will rank your web site according to how much you are prepared to pay them. These are usually set up on a Pay Per Click (PPC) basis i.e. you pay a set amount of money every time someone searches for keywords, or key phrases on which you are bidding, and clicks on your link to visit your site. The higher your bid, the higher your site is placed. Sites which work in this way include Overture (formerly called Goto) Espotting and Find What. Traffic from PPC search engines is very targeted and as such, you can expect higher click through's and conversion rates. Pay per click is a very controllable way of marketing your site. You may change your bids up or down at a moment's notice and you can set limits of how much you will pay each month. If no one clicks on your listing, you don't pay a penny, yet your site's entry is still seen by the people using these sites. They soon get to recognize your name thus establishing branding of your company's name and its services.

Why use a pay per click management service?
Getting to the top of search engines using pay per click is fast and guaranteed but at the same time it can be time consuming and expensive. For instance - At the time of publishing this site, the top bid for the keyword "loans" on Overture UK is £4.37. The fourth bid (24hour-loans) is £4.27, the fifth bid is £3.90 (Britannia) and sixth bid is £3.26. 24hour-loans is overbidding by 37p per click and Britannia by 64p! Savings per 1,000 clicks for 24 hours-loans is £370 and Britannia would save £640. High volume keywords like "loans" would easily generate over 1,000 clicks per week. In a year both sites could be spending an extra £52,250! That's just one example how our management service could save you money. Take the above example again - the top bid of £4.37 per click is beyond the means of most small businesses. Our keyword analysis will help you identify related high volume related keywords at a fraction of the cost! For overpayment read: this is money misspent that could have been saved or devoted elsewhere to boost the overall marketing effort! Many large sites are bidding for hundreds, if not thousands of search phrases, so it doesn't take an Einstein to figure that all this may aggregate to a serious waste of money! Of course, monitoring and modifying loads of ever changing bids manually can be a daunting chore, especially in view of PPC engines' typically cludgy bid management interfaces. Luckily, it's exactly this number crunching type of task where companies like ourselves excel.

Why do my paid listings need optimizing?
Even PPC needs optimizing - It's has always been the case that half of a real search engine optimizer's job was in understanding and selecting keywords. Not just obvious keywords, but the real gems that bring the highest ROI. Maximize your return by using our expertise and dedication. Our service will actively seek out hundreds of highly targeted phrases that result in more visitors at a lower cost. We will electronically monitor competitor’s bid so that you can always stay on top. Each keyword is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in order to minimize the risk of overbidding. In most cases our service will pay for itself in the first month.

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